4. Blwyddyn 11 Haen Uwch Mathemateg / Year 11 Higher Level Maths. Nos Lun/Monday 5.30 – 6.30pm. 3.3.25 – 24.3.25 (4 sessions )


Gwersi Mathemateg TGAU dwyieithog ar gyfer myfyrwyr Blwyddyn 10.

Rydym yn gyffrous i gynnig gwersi TGAU Mathemateg, a addysgir mewn grwpiau bach gan gyn-bennaeth Mathemateg.

Mae’r wers hon wedi’i theilwra ar gyfer disgyblion Blwyddyn 11 sy’n gweithio ar lefel uwch, gan ddarparu cefnogaeth. ffocws ac arweiniad arbenigol i’w helpu i fagu hyder a llwyddo.

Cyflwynir ein gwersi mewn bloc o 4 gwers, wedi’u cynllunio i ddyfnhau dealltwriaeth o bynciau allweddol a mynd i’r afael â heriau cyffredin ym maes llafur TGAU Mathemateg.

Gwybodaeth Archebu

• Lefel: Mae’r gwersi hyn yn addas ar gyfer myfyrwyr Blwyddyn 11 sy’n gweithio ar lefel uwch. Os ydych yn ansicr o’r lefel briodol ar gyfer eich plentyn, rydym yn argymell cysylltu ag ysgol eich plentyn cyn archebu.

• Manylion archebu: Wrth archebu, rhowch enw ac ysgol lawn eich plentyn yn y blwch sylwadau.

• Cadarnhad: Ar ôl archebu, byddwch yn derbyn manylion pellach, gan gynnwys dyddiadau ac amseroedd gwersi, mewn e-bost cadarnhau o fewn wythnos.

SYLWCH: Codir tâl llawn ar y sesiynau a gollwyd.

Os bydd angen i ni ganslo sesiwn, byddwn yn eich ad-dalu’n llawn.

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer proffesiynol, hyfforddiant o ansawdd uchel sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth yn nhaith dysgu eich plentyn. Mae llefydd yn gyfyngedig, felly archebwch nawr i sicrhau eich lle!


Bilingual GCSE Maths Lessons for Year 11 Students. 

We’re excited to offer GCSE Maths lessons, taught in small groups by an experienced ex-Head of Maths teacher.

This lesson is tailored for Year 11 pupils working at an higher level, providing focused support and expert guidance to help them build confidence and achieve their goals.

Our lessons are delivered in blocks of 4 lessons, designed to deepen understanding of key topics and address common challenges in the GCSE Maths syllabus.

Booking Information

• Level: These lessons are suited for Year 11 students working at an higher level. If you are unsure of the appropriate level for your child, we recommend contacting your child’s school before booking.

• Booking Details: When booking, please provide your child’s full name and school in the comments box.

• Confirmation: Once booked, you will receive further details, including lesson dates and times, in a confirmation email within a week.

PLEASE NOTE: Missed sessions will be charged at full cost.

In the unlikely event that we need to cancel a session we will reimburse you in full.

Join us for professional, high-quality tuition that makes a difference in your child’s learning journey. Spaces are limited, so book now to secure your place!

5 in stock

4. Blwyddyn 11 Haen Uwch Mathemateg / Year 11 Higher Level Maths. Nos Lun/Monday 5.30 – 6.30pm. 3.3.25 – 24.3.25 (4 sessions )