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Our Ethics

At Sêr Bach, we love our planet and people as much as our designs and the products we sell. As well as being a locally recognised brand in quality childcare and tasteful, quality products we are also a brand that cares about people and the earth we live on.

Environmental mission

We’re on a mission to improve our environmental processes to keep our planet as safe as the parcels you receive, constantly looking for ways to reduce plastic use in our products, packaging and supply chain. Sêr Bach is committed to creating magical memories and family traditions with the products that we buy to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.

A thoughtful supply chain

At Sêr Bach, we strive to maintain and develop long-lasting and trustful relationships with suppliers that are committed to regularly improve their ethical standards. Each product is sourced responsibly and with care from suppliers that comply with our brand values. Our supply chain must adhere to the minimum standards set within the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code. 

Employee care

All employment at Sêr Bach is freely chosen and we ensure that there is no forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour. As well as proving wages that meet the national legal standard and fair working hours, we make sure to provide the safest and hygienic working conditions and encourage employees to assist with minimising hazards. We of course respect the right of employees lawfully joining trade unions and engage in collective bargaining.

Standing against child labour 

Child labour is never considered an option at Sêr Bach and we ensure duties assigned to workers less than 18 years of age shall take into account their young age.

No to discrimination 

We do not tolerate discrimination towards hiring, compensation, promotions etc. on the basis of factors including but not limited to race, religion, gender, age and disability. We also take responsibility in ensuring none of our employees are subject to any form of harassment, physical or verbal abuse, or any other forms of intimidation. WE are a family business who promote family values.

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